Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why Can't Liberals be Liberal?

     What is to become of Liberals who in some ways no longer want to be liberal enough?  It appears that we Conservatives must now take on tasks the Liberals have abandoned.
     (1) When I was in law school fifty years ago it was the Liberals who carried the torch most prominently for freedom of speech.  Now some of them want to eliminate Fox News, as that great civil libertarian Jay Rockefeller has proposed.
     (2) It was the Liberals who most conspicuously and rightly demanded that women be treated on merit and with respect.  Now they refer to Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell and other conservative women by unprintable gender-related epithets.  So it was never about respect for women and their rights at all, was it?
     (3) Liberals invented and fought for Social Security, one of the few large government programs which has worked well.  Now they see dollar signs thinking about having a government default on its bonded debt to the seniors who paid into the system year after year in reliance on it.
     I would almost rather deal with fascists or Communists, who can usually be honest about what they believe.  Not quite, but almost. 

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