Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Correspondence With St. Peter

      Dear St. Peter, How are you?  I hope all is well with you and the angels.  You guys do a terrific job and I know you're busy, so I won't take much of your time.  But there is one thing that's been on my mind.  Could you ask the Boss to cut out this old-age thing?  Pete, I am going through a succession of pills, doctors, memory loss, eye sight and hearing problems, mental decline, foot blisters, arthritis, this-thritis and that-thritis and now Obamacare!
     Don't get me wrong.  The Boss has done a terrific job.  I think giving the galaxies a pin-wheel shape and putting a cap on the speed of light were top drawer and having the sky be blue and the grass green was a stroke of pure genius.  What a great idea He had with gravity (though sometimes I wish I could temporarily suspend it).  I don't know about some of the yukkier animals but I guess there's a reason for them --- food chain and stuff.  Yet aside from tons of great ideas and oodles of nice touches like humming birds and rainbows why did He have to do the old-age thing?
     I know we can't stay here forever, and who would want to, what with Heaven and all coming up.  But I would appreciate just popping up there when the time comes instead of first being old and decrepit.  Could you take this up with the Boss if you don't think He will be mad at me for writing it?  Hope you, the Boss and all the angels have a really great Christmas.  It's the Boss's birthday, of course, and that makes if really big as Ed Sullivan used to say.  Do you remember Ed Sullivan?  Were there really all those shepherds and angels singing that night?     Your friend, freddieplato [For her old Dad]
            Dear freddieplato, The Boss asked me to thank you for your thoughtful e-mail and to assure you that He isn't the least bit angry with you and is sorry about all your old-age problems.  (Between you and me, He gets a lot of nutty requests and yours is most welcome).  He is, as you suggest, rather busy these days, but so is the Adversary, so His time is limited, but He did ask me to assure you that He will give your request careful consideration.  He's coming again, you know, so maybe He'll have a more definitive response by then.  Meanwhile, Have the merriest of Christmases from the Boss, and may I add my own best wishes.  And be cheerful.  On that day your health will be just great and you will be feeling top-drawer.  Some day we'll celebrate the day together and maybe the angels will contribute the music.
     As to the exact date of the Boss's birthday, the Boss keeps that as His little secret, even from me.  When I ask Him He huffs "that's for me to know and you to find out".  And then He laughs with that priceless laugh that fills the heart and the whole Universe itself at Christmas time (whatever the date).  Oh, yes, the shepherds were there and the angels sang.  It was a beautiful night.  That much the Boss does say.  Merry Christmas, Freddie.
                                                                                                                                  Yours,  Pete
P.S.  Ed Sullivan did indeed  put on a really big shew.  He can't upstage the Boss, but it was really big.  He asks me to give you his regards.  Peet
Posted by Freddie Plato at 9:31 AM

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