Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Response to an e-mail from a friend on the absence of critical thinking

      John, I agree with your comments regarding James Carville's frustration over the gullibility of contemporary Americans, and his own Democratic Party as exemplary.   I have been distressed, almost depressed, by the absence of critical thinking which seem to have been gaining momentum even in the last ten years or so.  It is nothing new, but the extent of it has been increasing and you are absolutely right in suggesting that it affects both parties.  Most disturbing is the way it is sweeping the intellectual circles, liberal and conservative.  People seem cheerfully ready to accept anything from 'their side' of the fence.  Just say something as if you sound like you know what you are talking about and they will believe it and repeat it.  I do believe that the Democrats are multiple times worse than the Republicans but it is bad over all.  Liberals will say the same thing on the same day with the same words as if they were saying something original.  Ditto many conservatives.  Then they will act as if they should be taken seriously even when it is obvious that they do not know what they are talking about.
     I admire Charles Krauthammer as a responsible conservative intellectual, but even he concerns me lately  because of some of the absolutely untrue things he will say about Social Security.  I refer to physical, provable facts which even I can establish as such in less than half an hour. 
     This is all confused by the fact that sometimes a statement will be partly true, or arguably true, but the reasoning is wrong.  The best example which comes to mind has to do with Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia (or maybe premier --- they keep changing titles around).  You will hear people say "that no-good so-and-so, he's a dictator, a tyrant, and someone should remove  him".  Then to support the position that Putin is a tyrant they will disgorge a torrent of absolute balderdash to support that conclusion.  Or worse, they will just say "I just know it is true".  They usually don't have a clue what they are talking about.  Where did they get their wonderful analysis?  Simply from the mainstream media, TV gurus and daytime talk radio among other sources. They will repeat what they hear word for word.  And they act as if they deserve to be taken seriously.    If people do not start asking "Is this true"? the country will drown in ignorant and incompetent voters.

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