When I worked in a downtown office building in a major city I noticed this: Every day at about noon the building would disgorge white collar workers, many of them young, both genders, on their way to some bistro for lunch. They would be in groups of three, four or more; black, white, Asian, Latino and whatever. They would be laughing and obviously enjoying each others' company. There was no sign --- not a shadow, not a scintilla --- of prejudice or anything but good will. I was one of them myself and I wonder how we could have overcome the constant outpouring of liberal ranting about 'racial tension', 'legacy of slavery' 'a century of discrimination' 'the back of the bus', 'Bull Connor' and on and on --- the use of every imaginable device to turn people against each other and stir up hatred and suspicion. Somehow we had the character to regard our colleagues as human beings and Americans despite the NAACP, ACLU and every other radical-left organization staining the American landscape. It is one cause for optimism, and there aren't many.
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